Agricultural weather stations are instruments that measure and display different local measurements to help with ideal farming conditions. This data can be observed at the site or over the internet. Most weather stations measure wind speed and direction, pressure, temperature, rain level, and solar radiation. Some advanced models will also include UV index readings, soil temperature and moisture, leaf wetness, and water temperature.

The weather stations for farming are available with additional sensors that can improve farming. While humidity, rainfall, and temperature sensors are essential, a farmer can significantly profit from soil and UV index sensors, depending on the type of crops. A good weather station for farmers comes with software that permits a farmer to analyze weather and soil data with greater proficiency. This type of weather station is loaded with historical weather data and compares local seasonal weather conditions to make informed farming decisions.

Weather stations have common parts, such as an anemometer, which measures wind speed, and a wind vane to measure wind direction. It will have a satellite and GPS antenna. Solar radiation is measured with a pyranometer. These stations will contain a temperature sensor, a thermometer hidden from the sun, and an electronic capacitive sensor to measure relative humidity. They will contain a solar panel to power and automate the weather station. Rainfall will be measured with a rain gauge. Batteries are included to store the suns energy. 

A data logger can be added. It is a small module that connects the weather station to a computer or network. It archives or shares real-time data every few seconds. They have low-cost single and sampling channel loggers, as well as more powerful multi-channel devices that can handle hundreds of inputs at once.